Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Best Thing I Ever Won

I was born with big ears; they stuck out a lot, as you can see. When I was little I had to wear my hair long, rarely pulled it up into a pony or pigtails because kids are mean. When I did cut it short, it still had to cover my ears, which was really hard, because usually they would wind up poking out of my hair. I eventually sort of grew into my ears, the head grew, the ears stayed about the same size, but they still stuck out.

There was a shock jock radio guy the T-man in Seattle, and he had this competition called “Boob Camp” where he would have really flat chested girls play games to win a boob job. On this particular year, he offered a boob job to the flatties, and a secondary surgery to someone else.

I went in to the studio for a short on-air interview, he had a habit of berating women, but he was pretty nice to me that day. I was up against 3 liposuctions and a nose job.

They put our pictures on the internet, and people had to vote on who they thought needed the surgery. 

The girl in second place got somewhere around 2500 votes, she really needed lipo on her thighs, and I would have been very happy for her if she would have won, she was a really sweet girl, you could tell she worked out like crazy but she had ginormous hereditary thighs.

I got over 3000 votes, thanks in part to my sister and the military. She emailed her friends across the world and asked them to vote and get other people to vote, and I won!
That was about 10 years ago, and I still love my new ears.


  1. I don't know if that's you in the photo or not, but if it is, you're gorgeous either way.

  2. Yep it's me, thanks, spoken like a true mom :)

  3. did you see.... Reffie drank the coolaid yesterday

  4. Honey, I am a true Mom. But it's obvious that blond or brunette, poke out ears or flat ears, you are gorgeous.

  5. I know you are! And I bet you're a great mom!
    It was amazing the confidence I acquired with flat ears. We all have things about us we would like to change, that was the one thing, and I got it fixed for free. Nothing better than that.

  6. My mother always told me I needed to get my ears "pinned back". Rebel that I am, I flaunted them and still do! I really think if something bothers you, get it fixed. I'm just so vain I think I'm great just as is.

  7. Wow that is a great story!!! I agree with what Linda said, beautiful either way.... I bet you have the best story of any of us bloggers about winning something... !!!

  8. Welcome to my place Katherine. Thanks for stopping in :)

  9. Hands down, BEST STORY EVER! Congrats on your winnings and the new ears!

  10. Thanks Meleah. It's a fun story to tell. :)

  11. That is awesome! I would have been so jacked to win; but you know how I am about winning.

    And if I were the girl with the thunder thighs I would have been majorly bummed out.

  12. I was totally jacked to win, it's a life changing experience. She did get a discounted surgery if she wanted to pay for it.

  13. I didn't even know they did that. I like the new hair color, too!

  14. The T Man is a big "Booby Watcher"! He owed it to the rest of the world to lift his gaze above the "nipple line". Your before and after are both gorgeous Sista Gurl!!!

  15. mikewjattoomanymorningsJanuary 18, 2011 at 9:45 PM

    You're beautiful either way, but you look happier (and less guilty, for some reason) in photo #2, so I'm voting for it because I want you to be happy.

    Maybe you should do some tampon women with before and after plastic surgery. That could be interesting.

  16. Like BonyMike said, you are beautiful either way. Did you also get a testicular implant because you sure have some balls to post your picture on the web?


  17. They're already up on the doc's page, they just don't have a name to go with the face.

  18. Less guilty, yeah I guess the first one does look a little mug-shotty. Thanks for voting for number 2 In my eyes #1 is a train wreck. Before and after tampon women.... I'll have to think about that.

  19. Thanks Lee, I haven't been blond like that in a looonnnggg time, it's back to what I think might be the natural color if I wasn't mostly gray.

  20. Couldn't have done it without ya Sista!

  21. mikewjattoomanymorningsJanuary 19, 2011 at 12:06 PM

    You look like you just murdered your husband and threw his body in the swamp. Happy, but a little worried about your appearance on 20-20.

  22. You make me laugh. There's nothing in the swamps around here that eat people. Unfortunately, that's how my cousin got caught, and had to do some prison time. He was just the accessory, so he only did about 4 years.

  23. You look great in both pictures but the 'after' looks a little happier. I would love to have a little lipo on my thighs if I weren't so scared of lipo. You don't know this yet but my ass is not a size 4 like Jayne's is and since one's ass is really only the extension of legs (I'm giving points to whomever knows what movie that was from) it would stand to reason that my legs are not a size 4 either. I deal with it but sometimes I get a little sad.
