Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is Gourmet?

Gourmet: of or characteristic of a gourmet, especially in involving or purporting to involve high-quality or exotic ingredients and skilled preparation:

I subscribe to a bargain web site email, today the email was all about Easter, the tag line on this exact basket said "Classic Easter Bunny Gourmet Gift Basket" What? Classic definitely, all my fav's Nerds, M&M's Dots, Peeps, gross not Twizzlers, hate Twizzlers, it's Red Vines all the way for me, Jelly Beans a hollow bunny, yay! Sign me up. But wait, none of this stuff is Gourmet, and for $35.00 I can make my own basket and still have money left over for a 5th of whisky. Is this crap what they're passing off as gourmet? All of this stuff is made my machines, there's nothing gourmet here. Where's the chocolate made by Swiss Chocolateers, the hand pulled taffy, the butter cream filled tarts made by children in baking sweat shops? It's just not right.


  1. "I can make my own basket and still have money left over for a 5th of whisky" Ahahahahahahaha! Yes you can. And you're right. There is NOTHING gourmet about that Easter basket!

  2. And that's saying a lot, a 5th of Black Velvet is $11.95 here.

  3. For $35 they'd better have Jelly Bellies and the basket be from Longaberger .

  4. I completely agree. Although you can't buy a whole Longaberger basket for $35, maybe a partially finished one, or maybe one just big enough to hold M-n-M's.

  5. Wait. I think the stuffed bunny is edible. Maybe that's the "gourmet" part!

    I'm sorry to say icky-ew to all of that stuff....except the Peanut M&Ms of course.

  6. Yeah, but good chocolate, not that crap up there, give me Lindt truffles.

  7. I'm on need of chocolate too. Godiva would be best but I'll settle for Dove or even Hershey's. Peeps, now those are classic.

  8. But if you spend all your money on whiskey, you won't need chocolate. At least, that's what I tell myself.

  9. I have a granddaughter that I need to make a basket for, just sayin if I made this myself with all the same stuff, I'd still have money left over for a 5th at Washington prices. I can afford whisky and chocolate (I'm hoity toity like that) but chocolate and whisky don't mix, especially the way I consume.

  10. Wait for Easter, I have crafts in mind.

  11. Really? I'd eat all of that, and if there were sweet tarts, I would have bough it, I'm a total sucker for sweet tarts, but they had me with the nerds.

  12. For $35, I'll hand-feed you chocolate. God chocolate, too.

  13. It better be good if it's god chocolate.

  14. Perhaps those are foie gras M&M's? That would certainly be gourmet. And a little gross. But mostly gourmet. I say go with the whisky. Lots and lots of it.

  15. I'll take the twizzlers since you hate them so much. And some of the whiskey too if you're sharing!

  16. Make your own basket. You can do it better and not even spend $20 including having high quality candy and even little toys in it. I'll be really pretty too! Get some pink cellophane to wrap it up in. Now pass the whiskey bottle please.

  17. I'm going too, I always get good stuff. I wasn't going to order that piece of crap, I was just surprized at the price and the fact they called it gourmet, and I would have had to pay shipping too. rip off bastards.
    I will gladly share the hooch.

  18. I will give you all of my twizzlers, and I'll have Linda pass you the bottle.

  19. Chocolate shell duck liver? EWE, I'd have to be drunk to eat that.... oh wait... I am...

  20. Oops. I probably meant good chocolate. I wonder what God chocolate tastes like, though? I'll bet it's good.
