Saturday, May 14, 2011

I Won Some Awards!!!!

I won two, count them, come on just do it, two awards from Quirks! How fun and exciting!! What do I have to do to keep them moving along, well, this, specifically...

1. Thank and link back to the person giving you the award. Done2. Share 7 things about yourself. Done
     1. I am not a dog groomer, but I just washed and cut all three of my dogs hair, and ummm it's uhhhh   artistic (which is my way of saying, looks a little crappy, but what are you going to do)
     2. I like Canadian Whisky
     3. I sing a mean "Funky Cold Medina" at Karaeoke
     4. Right now I'm supposed to be working at cutting back the ivy from the road, but I'm blogging instead.
     5. I'm going to zipline on my vacation this summer
     6. I really wanted James Durbin to win American Idol
     7. I'm a comment whore
3. Award 10-15 blogs you think deserve this award. Done
      HERE WE GO!! Congrats to you all, please accept both of them., she also has another page

Actually, ya know what, check out all the links over there to the right, I wouldn't follow these folks if they weren't worth my time. Oh except the last one, that's the crazy soon to be x son-in-law's bat shit crazy dad, and I just want to keep an eye on him.

4. Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award


  1. First of all...I love that you sing Funky Cold Medina!! Second of all, I'd like to thank my, not them, they don't even read my blog. I'd just like to thank Madge. Which one did you award me? Let me know so I can do my homework assignment. Congrats to all the other awardees! Yippee!

  2. Yay!  Prizes!  I also wanted James Durbin to win.  (How can a parent of a kid with Asperger's not want an Aspie to win?)  Stay tuned for the revealing Boom Boom facts....

  3. He is so amazingly higly functional, and so incredibly talented! I love him so much, and I was really sad to see him go, but I'm sure he's signed a deal even though he's not "the winner"

  4. Oh wow...two awards? How exciting! Thank you!

  5. Totally have to go check out the crazy soon to be x son-in-law's bat shit crazy dad! Just 'cause! 

  6. Ah, thank you Madge!  

  7. Thank you Madge! Wish I could listen in on you singing 'the funky cold Medina'. sounds like a treat :)

  8. Congratulations Madge! Well deserved - you are both stylish and versatile! 

  9.  I hope you enjoy his rantings. He's about 6' and weighs around 450-500# 204kg
    not a small guy, and if you read the very first ones about him being a "sleep walk rapist" I want you to have that vision in your head. mmm just 'cause. :)

  10. Awwww. YAY. Congrats on your awards, Madge. And thank you so much for the mention.

  11. Congratulations!  Sweet!

  12. Congratulations Honeybunch!  You are indeed versatile and stylish!

  13. Sorry for being a skosh late to the party.  I've been all like out of state and stuff. And now been all like lazy about blogging about seeing Bobby Brown in the Augusta, GA airport. I'm on it.

  14. Now I HAVE to go out and get some Canadian whiskey!

  15. Thanks so much.  I've put them in my side bar and will post about them soon!

    Congrats to you, too!

  16. Wow! I just saw this! Thank you so much! I've got to figure out how to put those awards on my blog! Amazing! Love your blog! =) 
