The Yellow Line is the Route We Took |
We saw lots of porpous's, seals and sealions. Lee is very knowledgable about Puget Sound history and wildlife. He is really good at pointing things out and telling stories about them. When you go out with them, you always come back having learned something new. They are great hosts.
After we docked, we went up to Anthony's and had some appetizers, strange thing about the lounge in Anthony's, there is no view of the water or the marina. Design: Fail
It's amazing to me how many mansions are on the coastline of Puget Sound. Hotel sized Mansions, perched atop the bluffs, most of them right at the edge, I'm sure they weren't at the edge when they were being built, but they are now, and there's nothing anybody can do about it.
I feel so relaxed today, and I still can feel the boat when I'm sitting. It's a good thing.