Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Everybody Crap!!

I bought Steve's wedding ring at the Shane Company, and it was time to take it in for a check-up. While it was back with the jeweler I got to talking to this cute little Asian guy Kevin, it started dumping down buckets of rain outside, and Kevin told me this story.

One day lin I las a rittre boy, my mom went to the sto, and it stalted to lain leally leally hald outside just rike it is light now. Befo she come home I put a whore bunch of soap on the sidewark, and when she come home she srip on the soap and she far down. Arr the glocelies fry errywhaile!! And errybody raff and craappp!!

I raffed so hard when he told me that story, and it's fun to tell people. My friend Patty was with me, and she has the kind of raff that fills the  room, we told each other that story all the way home. She's a trainer at a local credit union, and every time I find out that somebody is going to work there I ask them to tell her "Madge says errybody crap" 


  1. That is so hilarious. It wouldn't even do it justice to have put LOL.   I am rafffing and crapping.  (figuratively of course)

  2. You would have had to put ROR : )~

  3. Ha ha! I had to read that twice to get the full benefit!

  4. I had to write it twice so it made sense

  5. Oh, yeah, you are right.  Now I am RMAO

  6. I am Raffing Lealy Lealy Hard right now

  7. I raff so hald, don' thin pants evah dly

  8. Suplies!! You have wet pants!!

  9. Nice job, Madge!   Who needs laxatives?

  10. You sick...but funny..vely, vely funny. It learry, learry hard not to raff. Werr done, Madge rady!

  11. I forgot about Raff and Crap! Thanks for reminding me so I could raff and crap all over again.

  12. ROTFRMAO Dufus! thanks fo keeping with the spilit

  13. Yeah Reffie just raff an crap

  14. I'm going to read this out loud to M and see if he raffs and craps.

  15. yes prease do and ret me know

  16. I'm so jealous of anyone who knows two languages (even if accented) that I am in awe.

  17. It's supposed to rain here again today. I think I might try putting a whore bunch of soap of my walkway and see what happens.

  18. I am raffing so ard light now!! funny thing, some communities from my hometown have the r and l problem too. its always good for jokes.

  19. Me too! He spoke really good engrish

  20. You really had to be there but its a fun story

  21. okay, this post made me raff so hard!! 

  22. Grad you raffing, just don't get to coughing, I just came from your prace you've been sick, hope you're all better soon.
